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During our healing sessions, I work with you and your energy to balance, clear and process any issues that are affecting you.  Distance healing is also available.

Craniosacral Therapy


Craniosacral therapy is hands-on therapy using gentle touch from the cranium to sacrum to release restrictions in the soft tissues around the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).  Craniosacral therapy is used to release tensions, pain, and dysfunction and therefore helps the cranial system return to homeostasis. When the body is in homeostasis, health abounds. 

Myofascial Unwinding


Myofascial unwinding is done throughout the body.  The fascia is a Saran Wrap like covering over every muscle and organ in the body.  It flows continuously from a muscle into the bone and then out again to another organ or muscle.  When strain or injury occurs the fascia becomes twisted and can restrict blood flow. The fascia must be unwound or released for the muscle or organ to function again at an optimal level.  



Reiki is a Japanese technique, discovered in the early 1900’s, that is used for stress reduction, relaxation, and healing.  Reiki is done by laying hands gently on, or slightly above, the body at 12 different points from head to toe. A Reiki treatment helps the energy to flow freely throughout the body resulting in optimal health.

Essential Oil Consultation

Essential oil usage has grown significantly over the last ten years as people look to eliminate toxins and chemicals from their environment and to address a variety of health issues.  Essential oils are derived naturally from various parts of plants and can be diffused, applied topically, or ingested. They can also be used for cleaning, beauty regimens, health and general well-being.  

Tarot Card Reading


Tarot cards are a divination tool to help go deeper into any issues you may be experiencing. They help to see answers with more clarity and to get in touch with your higher self, or inner truth. Tarot cards can be used for specific questions or for a general reading. Readings can be done in person or via email. Pictures will be included with a detailed description about the cards pulled.

Distance Healing


The universe is connected energetically through time and space, as are all people, animals and nature. During a distance healing session, with your permission, I will tap into your energy field. Throughout the session Reiki will be sent, chakras balanced, and energy released as needed. A detailed summary will be sent highlighting what was seen, heard, and experienced during the session. Tarot cards may also be pulled. 

Essential Oil Consultation

30 min


Distance Healing

Price varies

Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Unwinding and Reiki

Initial Visit

1 hr 30 min


Follow-up Visits

1 hr


Tarot Card Reading

20 min


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